Yamaha Xsr 155 Premium Grey. This motorcycle looks retro but is futuristic underneath. Untuk sekarang ini ada beberapa produsen motor yang bersaing secara terang-terangan diantara lain Yamha, Honda.
Mesin bertenaga untuk sensasi berkendara yang luar biasa. Take good care of yourself, stay at home and stay healthy 💪💪. Colors & Price: Four colors would be available in Bangladesh which are Premium Grey, White-Red, Green, Black.
Untuk sekarang ini ada beberapa produsen motor yang bersaing secara terang-terangan diantara lain Yamha, Honda.
The engine on the bike is the same as on the other two bikes.
It's brought to a stop with a single disc in the front. Tư vấn thiết kế: Design Mr. The price of the bike is.